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The newest Jordan Peele movie, and it doesn't disappoint.

The movie starts with a 1990s television sitcom as audience members we don't see what is going on until it's too late. We hear the actors performing, the live-audience laughing, and a monkey. Before we know it a balloon has popped and the monkey goes crazy. It attacks all of the actors including a young girl who is mauled by it. The monkey kills an unknown amount of people (at least both of the parent actors). And then we see baby Steven Yeun (actor) hiding under a table not knowing what the monkey will do next. . . . This is Nope.

This movie showcases why Jordan Peele is a genius. He has themes to his movies and this movie's theme is animals. The animals in this movie include a monkey, horses, and an alien creature. The movie is separated into sections or chapters like "LUCKY" or "GORDY." Another key theme to this movie is the use of exploitation in Hollywood. Steven Yeun's character uses the trauma he faced in the '90s and creates a theme park where he exploits Hollywood and animals for people's entertainment.

The actors in this movie were doing an amazing job. A standout performance by the actor who played Angel, who is an employee at a electronics store who helps the main characters set up security cameras to catch a glimpse at the UFO that is flying around their ranch.

This movie only received a Rotten Tomatoes score of 82%, which is a tragedy in itself. It should be at least in the 90s or 100%. This movie will change the way we look at horror movies and alien movies.


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